📈 As a sole trader I am part of a group that makes up nearly 20% of the NZ working population. That's right, there are over 500,000 of us out there doing our thing to a greater or lesser degree of success (thanks to Hnry for the stats!).
😃 Getting and keeping customers happy is pretty much the key to any business. For a small business owner it's vital. I recently spent a little time digging into the thing of beauty that is my CRM (lovemonday.com!) to try and get a gauge on where my career coaching customers come from.
💥 43% are from referrals from other clients I've coached
💻 30% result from general market awareness of what I do
🔁 21% are individuals I've worked with previously in a different capacity
💣 Nearly 2/3rds of my customers are the result of a previous business interaction, directly or indirectly. Which is very cool, and also scary - it shows you can't over-emphasise the importance of delivering to the best of your ability. Every time.
🥗 Food for thought...